Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day One

Well hello everyone in cyber-land.  We're going to give this a shot with the hopes of archiving our workouts while sharing what we believe to be some great days. 

For starters we are career fireman, who like many other firefighters around the country are "required" to work out to maintain a certain level fitness.  Now many of you may be taken back by that comment.  It is a general statement.  There is a large number of firefighters that workout for their own piece of mind and making sure that they aren't stricken on the job by lets a heart attack or stroke.  We all owe it to our families and friends to make it home at the end of the shift.

Within our shift there are two of us that have stumbled upon Crossfit by way of dumb luck.  All I can say personally is WOW!  Thankfully in my endeavour of attaining some home made equipment and a major shake up of our shifts did I end up with a brother that has the same thoughts and ideas as I.  Together on shift we have massed some interesting items that we utilize as our equipment.  Every thing from a chunk of telephone to old basketballs turned into medecine balls.

Just like at the many Crossfit affiliates across the country we start off our day checking the home page to see what their workout of the day (WOD) is and move forward from there incorporating some job specific tasks to get the most out of what we are looking to accomplish. 

As we move forward with this addition to our course we have laid there will be numerous pictures posted of the equipment we have made and aquired.  Along with more links to additional pages in the hopes of further spreading the word of Crossfit and what and how it has helped me as an individual.  Please ask questions, post comments, ideas, thoughts and just plain anything that is constructive as we further seek to improve our skills both as firefighters and crossfitters.

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